15 November 2011

my prayers have been answered

Thanks jenny slate.


kylie said...

i can't even begin to deal with this. maybe if we all name a favorite part, we'll get them all covered. i'll go first.

kylie said...

guess what i want, but i'm not gonna beg for it.

a nickname.

DJV said...

snoozin and treats, treats and snoozin.

thomas wilhelm said...

my favorite par is all the ZZZZZZZZZs in the background.

Liz said...

tomas wilhelm stole my favorite part so brb watching again.

Liz said...

ahhhAH. read on!

N'science said...

"no matter where I wanted to go I would just end up back at the kitchen" = why I'm single.

Melissa said...

where is he? oh god...i can smell his face

bun-bun said...

8 to the muffin.

joel said...

can i have a drip of water?

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