25 August 2009

one last 2sie 2zday!

before it turns midnight!

Stupid Trophy

The South's Heisman Trophy Grudge

Is it ironic that even the Wall Street Journal understands the irrelevance of the Heisman trophy?

2sie 2zday : round 2

those have got to be the same kitty friends as up top.

an oldie but goodie fwd'd from djv himself! y'all can just keep your photoshop accusations to yourself, too. i know this one is real. 4 a fact.

happy 2sie 2zday everyone!

oh guess what

starla and i are going to see brit brit "sing" her songs tonight at madison square garden.

prepare yourself for the recap tomorrow.



she died 8 years ago, but i still miss her.

most get silly

please keep your dignity.

im looking at you melissa

not to mention you, starla


this picture is going to haunt my dreams tonight. too many cats.

no ma'am

KFC is test marketing this new sandwich with fried chicken instead of bread for a bacon + cheese samwich. this is a bad idea for america.

2sie 2zday!


2sie 2zday : kitty vs. fox!

warning: this video is extremely anti-climactic.
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