08 June 2009


i randomly got a free ticket to go see coldplay in nashville on saturday at the sommet center (FAAANG FINGERRRS). opening act snow patrol was very charming and irish. another thing i discovered is that i dont need to defend why i like coldplay. everyone secretly likes them.

the stage set was pretty cool. the backdrop and costumes had a french revolutionary theme, a la Viva la Vida. it was one of those shows where you are like, "this is my favorite song!" "THIS is my FAVORITE song!!" you know what i mean.

at one point towards the end of the show, the guys walked down the floor side aisle and went up to a little platform a couple rows behind my seats (a la POTS traveling band at games) to play three acoustic songs. it was a real thrill.

this is how close i got to chris martin when he was walking back to do the acoustic set. i could smell the GOOP on him. also, did you know that the bassist is actually REALLY cute? 

1 comment:

kylie said...

omg circle drill!

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