29 April 2010

who is brian eno?

i told you all that i was going to go to a cd store and buy congratulations, the new mgmt album. well i did. (11 bicuits by the way) i went to grimeys. the next day i learned grimey's was voted as the 8th best indie record store in the nation (one of 2 from TN in the top 15). coincidence, maybe.

well, on the album, and on snl, there is a song called "Brian Eno."

this is what andrew vanwyngarden had to say about the track:
It’s kind of a vampire-punk-rock song about finding Brian Eno in like a cathedral in Transylvania. He’s like a dark wizard. We originally asked him to produce the track, but he hadn’t heard of us.
i can freely admit that while the name rang familiar, i had no idea who brian eno is. for some reason, in my head the picture associated with the name is james iha's face.

so brian eno, (nee Brian Peter George St. John le Baptiste de la Salle Eno) is an english musician and composer who basically pioneered ambient music and has produced or collaborated on some of the best music of the past couple decades. also, if you had windows 95, he is responsible for the start up sound that you probably have nightmares about when your computer crashes. from what i can tell, this musical theorist and installation artist is basically a genius, so thanks mgmt for helping me figure it out.


Unknown said...

Were you not sitting in the room the other night when we had the long conversation about Talking Heads? I thought you pioneered it.

joel said...

i dont remember that....

Unknown said...

Maybe it was during the actual episode, the one time you were not there

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