24 June 2009

kismet in motion

please note, this is BEFORE the haircute

raise your hand

if you believe that hawaii is going to be bombed by north korea...


wikihow to paint some pimp cornhole boards, pt.3

Chapter Three - Friday June 19 + Monday June 22

So the innards of the Pred logo contain Blue, Yellow and Gray elements. The blue got throwed down on Thursday, and here is the yellow, after the first coat:

To prevent running, I applied only one coat of paint through the stencil, let it dry, removed the stencil, and applied the second / third coats with the hobby brush free-hand. Here you can see the final coat of yellow:

If you look closely you can see that Blue and White touch-up are still needed. I will save that for last, after I have painted the Gray elements. Pictured here be the Gray stencil waitin for the money:

And this is where I left off Monday.
Stay tuned for the final chapter, featuring tuesday and wednesday work, as well as the Wednesday evening cornhole party!

ykwgmg: snatch it down

the should-have-never-been-an-issue-in-the-first-place sexy billboard at houston & broadway has been replaced with an advert that depicts the sort of sexual exploitation americans can get behind. the sort that doesn't make you think about 'mos

the name, is BLACULA!!!

look what is coming on tv soon. loves pam grier

what is kismet doing?

UPDATE: there he is...

kismet is here at the browndog lodge RIGHT NOW. i dont think he is in the screenshot from their indoor play area webcam, but i know he is somewhere in that building being pampered.

BEARly bear-related

but interesting nonetheless...

When Mark Brown heard recently that Belmont University was planning to build a six-story residence hall, he knew it was time to start looking for Adelicia Hayes Franklin Acklen Cheatham's bear house.

Brown, executive director of the Belmont Mansion, knew the remains of the building were buried somewhere on the Belmont grounds. (tennessean)

thx blake via melissa.

something ain't right.

Gov. Mark Sanford, whose surreptitious international wanderings—and likely affair-haver!— have captured the nation's attention, is a deeply strange man. He's so cheap he built his dad's coffin, and digs holes to relax. Here's a rundown. (gawker)

thx g.

in case you weren't aware

the bristol museum of art opened a banksy exhibit on June 13th. i wish i could afford to go all the way to england to see it, but since i can't this sample will have to suffice. fortunately, i was lucky enough to see some of the pieces on display as part of the "Village Pet Store And Charcoal Grill" instalation on seventh avenue right here in NYC. the show runs through august 31st.

the bristol exhibit is significant because bansky is assumed to be from yate, south gloucestershire, an area outside of bristol, though few specifics can be confirmed about banksy's origin or personal life.

BOW-tique, BLING-bling, FAB-fashion

hope everyone caught the RHoNJ reunion part 1 last night. check out teresa's shameless new self-promotion, TG Fabulicious!

and i know you all tuned into the season premiere of NYC PREP! lord knows you had plenty of warning. here's the first recap from our fave gawker recapper, richard!

thx g.
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