20 April 2009

joelz speekerz

leap into the void

culture break! Yves Klein at Rue Gentil-Bernard, Fontenay-aux-Roses, October 1960
sometimes life feels like this.

we are not alone.

Mitchell, who was part of the 1971 Apollo 14 moon mission, asserted Monday that extraterrestrial life exists, and that the truth is being concealed by the U.S. and other governments. (cnn)

almost forgot!

happy four-twenty, everyone!

how emBEARassing.

this is real.

this is a hilarious burn.

(via nytimes)

nErD aLeRt!

jic you're going to new haven this weekend...
Photos, sculpture, paintings, architectural models, videos and other sorts of art responding to contemporary suburbia by some 30 artists, architects and designers make up “Worlds Away: New Suburban Landscapes” at the Yale School of Architecture. An eclectic but altogether stimulating exhibition, it has a clear if slightly condescending message: it is O.K. to live in suburbia. Phew. (nytimes)

way2go again, tennessee

Public schools in Tennessee are filtering access to online websites discussing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues, but are not blocking sites advocating "reparative" therapy to change their lifestyle.

Nobody is disputing the existence of the filters in the Knox County Schools and Metro Nashville Public Schools. But the schools are blaming their internet and filtering service for what the American Civil Liberties Union is decrying as viewpoint discrimination in violation of the First Amendment. The internet service, Education Networks of America, says the schools choose which websites to block. (wired)


hello everyone, my name is palmer zoghby and i am just a little bundle of fluffy energy. everyone who meets me is glad they know me.

LIKES: licking, jumping, mountain dew, candy wrappers
DISLIKES: distances too far to jump, combs, pickles

from the makers of the robo-pangin

the same company that made that robot penguin down there also made...

a jellyfish.

and a manta-ray.



Susan Boyle: “Maybe I’ll consider a makeover later on. For now I’m happy the way I am — short and plump. I would not go in for Botox or anything like that. I’m content with the way I look. What’s wrong with looking like Susan Boyle? What’s the matter with that? ... I’m just an ordinary person trying to make it as a professional singer. I really don’t want to change all that much.”

no shit

hey, here comes some breaking news from the new york times...
the economy has caused some architecture firms to lose work!!!
can you believe its come to this. but dont worry, rem koolhaas is still working apparently.

uh oh...

stephen hawking's not doing too well....

fyi... in tv on right now news

oh you squirrely squirrels!

missing architecture

im really going to miss 53 west 53rd and 5 franklin place.

the depression took these beautiful buildings from me.

check the nymag slideshow to see the rest of the missing buildings who have lost their financing.


for you, john.

When we last left the haunting Gothic ruin of the old Smallpox Hospital on Roosevelt Island, it was more ruined than ever.

While the abandoned, roofless, 153-year-old building was awaiting structural stabilization in late 2007, a large section of its north facade collapsed spontaneously, apparently the victim of moisture-filled interior walls expanding and contracting through endless cycles of freezing and thawing.

Preservationists were especially dismayed, having long urged that some measures be taken to protect the structure, which was designed by James Renwick Jr., the architect of St. Patrick’s Cathedral. (nytimes)

dolly takes new york

dolly parton is rewarded with a glowing profile in nymag on the occasion of the opening of her broadway musical, 9 to 5. check it out, loves her!


Fourteen thoroughbred horses dropped dead in a mysterious scene Sunday before a polo match near West Palm Beach, Florida, officials said. (cnn)

my guess? bears.

UPDATE : 21 horses dead!!! the apocalypse is upon us!
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