28 September 2012

Le Corbusier, in COLOR

check out more.

it has been a great year for downtown memphis

check out this list of 100 reasons why downtown memphis is popping off.

beyonce, are you looking forward to the UT v UGA game?

ehh, not really


jezebel called her a white walker. ctm.

look, joel!

the pyongyang monstrosity is (not) finished!
creepy north korea stuff!

xxxtina wants to love your body

i could get into this song

it's friday.

in arizona, the snow is made out of poop

as you can well imagine some people are happy about it, but other people are not happy about it. nytimes

basically if you think those mountains are holy because that is where g-d lives, or if you care about the potential ecological effects of covering an entire mountain in effluence, then you do NOT want any ski resorts over there. if you think, whatever, a mouthful of poop snow never hurt anyone, and think of all the money we could make, then you DO want a ski resort.

I say, better safe than sorry, lets not go spreading our shit around like a nasty kid in an elementary school restroom. also, where are you papers?

the fashion shower, exactly as i hoped it would be

anna dello russo launches her h&m collection in paris with a ridiculous party and a performance by azealia banks

don't worry zac, i'll be very patient. waiting. patiently.

also, that basketball is gay.

grizzly bear - yet again

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