26 October 2009

chart of the day

pie chart showing the proportion of flag color on the many national flags of the world.

hasn't this happened to everyone


just wanted to share this with everyone


i was just flipping through this AMAZING nymag slideshow from the Tompkins Square Park Doggie Halloween Parade this weekend, and i found this picture of Brett and Bennet and Maddie, friends of 2pz. Congrats to them for their winning group costume!

looks like fun, so jealous.

its for sale!

this dog has a story

other dog is like, "who do you think you are"

this cat has a story


other lego news

how to patch your war-torn building, by lego


in what i watched on tv today news...

another cute song.

Drama - Left Right Left - MyVideo


wrong, but cute.

lego counter

onesie monday!



easy, now.

lane kiffin got in troubs for being a sourpuss.

cuddle time

look its chubby nepalese melissa and goat kismet


just look at that face

brb outside : green-wood cemetery

yesterday, john and i celebrated our 2-years-of-knowing-each-other anniversary with a sunday funday outing to brooklyn's green-wood cemetery. it was an absolutely gorgeous autumn day, perfect for some in-the-city leaf-peepin'. (unfortunately, both of our cameras were dead, so these are from my blackberry. and i have about a million i want to show you. hope you don't mind.)

jicydak, green-wood cemetery is almost 200 hundred years old! it's home to like a millz old-timey celebs, like henry ward beecher, peter cooper, henry steinway, and many more! basically we just walked around and googled all the names from the really big gravestones.

did you know that brooklyn is home to wild parrots?! i didnt either! so you can imagine our shock when we looked up to find a tree full of them. turns out they're famous.(i love this website) raise your hand if you're in for the wild parrot safari tour.

the chapel. john and i only lasted about 30 seconds inside this place on account of immaturity / fart noises.

i'm not sure what level of respect they actually expect from visitors, but this place was really just one big playground.

what kind of flower tree is this?

not funny in a cemetery, ok? happy hauntings? really?!


the final resting place of henry e. pierrepont, who according to the internet basically invented brooklyn and planned the green-wood cemetery itself. the pierrepont family memorial was designed by richard upjohn, whom brought us trinity church and the pretty cemetery entrance gate too. bit of a one-trick pony, it seems.

john's gravestone.

more mausoleums. gorgeous.

john's favorite. ctm.


boss tweed's grave!!! he's like my favorite figure of nyc history. what a scoundrel! is that a power t?

will you look at that light? i die.

another collection of hillside tombssssss. scaaaary.

thomas whitney's death cottage. ceeyute!

i don't think i have to tell you that i would like to be memorialized in a manner similar to this. william h. beard's bear grave. zomg!

some parts of the cemetery are real high up, and you can see all the way back to manhattan.

sunset on a perfect day.

in closing, green-wood cemetery is one of my new favorite places in the whole world. it offers solitude and quiet that you really never quite achieve at central or prospect park. you feel completely alone and left to your own devices, whether you're up for a quiet, respectful stroll, or a mischievous frolic during which you may or may not stumble across a flock of innocent geese and a pile of freshly fallen apples....

i recommend that you all get out there if you can, especially for the fall leaves. we resolved to go back during each of the four seasons. i can only imagine how beautiful it would be during a snow, and springtime just has to be incredible.

way2go, yanks!

see you b's in the world series!!!!
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