05 October 2010


UPDATE: BUSTED (sorry markie)

thx markie!

white house solar panels

jimmy carter installed some in 1979.
ronald reagan took them down in 1986.
george bush installed some panels in 2003 but didnt tell anyone (embarrassed?)
barack obama just put some new ones up.

what does it look like when wolves hug?

source. via.

batman through the ages

via. source.

proenza schouler s/s 2011

ive had this blog post open in a tab with the intent to reblog for a couple of days. i dont remember where i got the link. sorry. just check out these awesome behind the scenes photos taken two days before their runway show. love the colors and textures.

recycle your blues : gap

if you have some old jeans and you need some more space in closet, consider this:

Starting tomorrow (October 6th) through October 20th, Gap stores will graciously take cast-off denim off of your hands and recycle it into UltraTouch Natural Cotton Fiber Insulation as part of the Recycle Your Blues event. The insulation will then be incorporated into building projects that aim to keep families in need warm (and keep energy bills low) throughout the winter. And like the Gap’s similar Cotton: From Blue To Green campaign from last spring, denim discarders will be rewarded with 30 percent off a pair of new Gap 1969 jeans (add an extra 10 percent if you become a fan of the Gap on Facebook).

justin bieber as ashton kutcher

nymag is suggesting that all the rumors report that mtv is bringing back punk'd with justin bieber taking over as host and on camera prankster.

sure why not? baby baby baby ooohhh. he is going to have to have something to do once puberty is over.

something new and cool about inception

here is the trailer re-imagined as a 50s crime thriller. via.

san fransisco gets tilt-shifted.

Multimedia designer Shukhrat Pardaev assembled this beautiful tilt-shift video of San Francisco, following in the footsteps of shorts using the same miniaturization technique on New York and Sydney. (via)

(note: i never saw the nyc version, but it is also amazing, and features a lot of construction shots of the brooklyn bridge pier parks)

what did you eat this weekend?

after a few hours of ghost-hunting, one works up quite an appetite. luckily, there was a sonic just 10-45 minutes down the road. we got a lot of chicken boxes, etc.
and john got some kitty kat surnglasses in his happy meal. then rachel (rip) and liz found some leftover bonez and monster surnglasses at the table next door. just in time for halloween!
after a romp on a pumpkin snatch, we had (not) worked up an appetite again! luckily, there was a cracker barrel just a hop, skip, and a jump away. lilly worked herself up from "just plain dumb" to "genius" on the tee game.
liz and lilly had never been to a CB before, if you can believe that, and i'll tell you what, they were not disappointed.

in loving memory :

you might think the trip to letchworth was all fun and games...and bones and blood and pooping. but it wasn't. someone died. and that someone was better known as sabertooth crotch cricket. we knew it was going to happen because she had no fortune in her fortune cookie, and there's nothing you can do about that.

she was a bright spirit, who will be missed greatly. luckily i got this head shot before she was dragged off to hell. you will be missed...until we get over it.

i went to letchworth and all i got was my throat slit.

this weekend, the whole gang went up to letchworth village to do some ghost peepin'. everyone was there, (from left to right) sabertooth crotch cricket, shit toast, jizz devil, and hymen pincher (butt honey not pictured).

the pitchas are a little small, so chuleek to enlarge.

you might be asking, 'what's letchworth village?' it's simple really. back in the 1930's, the state of new york decided it needed a home for all the pesky feeble minded and epileptics runnin' loose everywhere. so they created one, and nestled it in the scenic hudson river valley. it's been abandoned for quite some time, and is now a place for people to practice paintball, the graffiti arts, and pooping...oh, and of course the undead.

we toured the power station, as well as two buildings on the letchworth campus, a housing unit :

and the main hospital building :

they seemed to have an excessive amount of dentist equipment in the hospital building, as well as other strange plumbing fixtures :

kylie, liz and i found the much anticipated blood room. those are just someone's brains splattered all over the wall. ceyute!!!

the library in the hospital building had been burned to a crisp.

oh look, some bones! someone must have had a bar be que in here during the summer! i love bar be ques.

this picture is from a catwalk in the power station. i know...it's pretty high up. you might say one would have to be INSANE to go up there. but seriously, it was pretty safe.

while in the power station, we decided to take some album cover shots for our new band '30 seconds to mars.' what? that name is already taken? shoot!

by the end of it all, lilly and i were in love.

THE END...or is it????
(to be continued)


Homemade Spacecraft from Luke Geissbuhler on Vimeo.

a science nerd family from brooklyn sends a space balloon up with an HD camera attached. thx liz!

have you ever ridden a subway....into the FUTURE?!?!

Six of the city’s subway stations will be fully equipped for cell phone (and Wi-Fi) service by the end of next year, about six months earlier than had been anticipated. Transit Wireless CEO Chris Jaeger said he expects all 277 underground stations to be cell-phone-friendly by the end of 2016. The six stations that will be wired first? The five beneath West 14th Street on the A/C/E, L, 1/2/3, V, and F lines, with the sixth at the C/E station at 23rd Street. (via)
lucky you!

2sie 2zday : tearjerker addition

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saw these pups while watching one of the greatest shows on television, dogs 101.

keekerz speakerz

it's october and it's tuesday and it's raining outside and it won't stop and i'm wearing a sweater, so i'm listening to kings of convenience.

kings of convenience - i don't know what i can save you from

kings of convenience - ms. cold

kings of convenience - parallel lines

kings of convenience - know-how

that's exactly what a witch would say.

let me in

i saw let me in last night. if you have seen the swedish film this one is adapted from, then you know exactly what to expect. it is nice though that they were able to make the transition to english and an american setting without losing what made the original so great. it is a tense dark fairy tale with incredible performances from the two kids who have to carry the film. also, totally on the nose with all the bullying stuff going on right now. two more things: the cgi kind of blows, except for a car crash scene that is the best i have ever seen in any movie.
11 biscuits, natch
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