15 October 2014

this has a surprise ending.

stay humble, cat.

stay humble, thomas wilhelm


thx ms danglez!

more voice battlez

there was another hour of the voice last night, and things were just fine. but i'd rather show you a second fave from monday night (also team pharell). what you don't see in the clip (which is why you should just be watching all of it), is when the two singers are doing everything perfectly, but no one's really feeling it. and alicia keys has an idea. she asks the band to play the "aretha franklin version" of the song. luke exclaims that he didn't even know that existed, to which alicia replies "we just invented it."

then everyone let their souls shine and it all came together. thx AK.

side note: griffin is from nashville and designs bowties. luke got his eye shot out by a paintball when he was a kid.

monday recap
tuesday recap

two horrible worlds collide

one of the few people that gobble my goop more that lane kiffin is tosh.0. so it's appropriate that they've been united in this distasteful bit of ridicule.

i am so happy that alabama's reign has ended under kiffin. kiss of death.

this is happening

turnip for what

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