18 March 2009

who do you think you are? : skinny mormons

men's fitness magazine ranked salt lake city as the nation's fittest city. i guess rasing twenty four million to ban gay marriage in CA and AZ is quite a work out. it might come as a suprise to hear that the assumedly body conscious miami is the nation's fattest city.


who do you think you are? : Cesar Penn Boothe

woman gives birth to baby in most disgusting place on earth.

'I didn't care who was there, who was watching, I just wanted the baby out.'...as the baby was being born, a crowd gathered around, shouting encouragement and taking photos on their cell phones."

Sounds about right.


how do you use a cat as a weapon?

click the headline for the bizarre story.

g.animalz, do you have any ideas?

What is kismet doing?

answer: asking for a belly scratch

FYI... in tv on right now news

im watching Titanic on VHS... did you know it was two tapes long. jesus.

whats for lunch?????

a delicious pep pizza, just for me.
and a regular doctor pepper for goof measure.



How did I miss this?/Here it is now!

What is kismet doing?

answer: wondering where his hot2death bandana went.

Looking for friend with beniftits

Best Craislist Rant in a long time "Why I am not the perfect girl for you," here's an excerpt:

“looking for friend with beniftits” *sigh* Where do I start, young sir? There is a section dedicated solely to you getting your johnson stroked. Its called NSA! And what “beniftits” were you looking for? Perhaps some spelling/grammar lessons? I’d be happy to tutor you. Maybe I’m viewing this entirely the wrong way? Maybe you are in fact extremely clever and were using a play on words? Benef-tits? I think not.

nErD aLeRt!

BOSTON — You will be seeing a lot more art by Shepard Fairey on the streets of New York this spring. But it won’t be in the form of the illegal guerrilla strikes he has been committing since his days as a student at the Rhode Island School of Design 20 years ago, nor anything like his famous Obama Hope poster. For starters, it is in the windows of Saks Fifth Avenue, for whom he has also designed swanky red, white and black Russian Constructivist-style limited-edition shopping bags.

Before the Saks campaign makes it painful even to think about this artist, who did more than any other to get our current president elected, you might consider a trip to the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston to see his first museum retrospective. (nytimes)

subway art gallery

For our latest mission, 50 Improv Everywhere agents created an art gallery opening on the 23rd Street subway platform in Manhattan. We put up 30 placards next to objects in the space (pipes, electrical boxes, signs, advertisements), transforming them into works of art. The gallery included a bar, a coat rack, and a cellist. Enjoy the video first, and then continue reading for photos, text from our placards, and reports from the agents involved. (improv everywhere)

thx bun bun!

what's for lunch?????

jan's lunch : cheetoz, slim fast, coffee, and water.


whats for lunch?????

from melissa's ex-office boyfriend blake roberson. check out his awesome blog HERE. thanks for letting us know whats for lunch blake.

"salad with baby spinach, green onions, carrots, hard boiled eggs, mushrooms, oil ad vinegar dressing
baked chicken (that was so good it must of contained angel kissed) in a cream of mushroom sauce
grapes and pineapple"

nErD aLeRt!

PARIS — Hand it to the French. Who else would pick an economic collapse as a time to unveil one of the most audacious urban plans in recent memory? (nytimes)

Too many pups on the dance floor? NO WAY

It's like, how many puppies can you really look at? Answer: unlimited. You can never see too many cute puppies a day or in this lifetime.
Now, I try to take dailypuppy.com in stride, I don't want it to run my life. And I don't want to waste my time on this blog writing about something that's already covered. BUT, sometimes, there will be exceptions, like today. March 18th's puppies were Hope and Jefferson the Australian Shepherds. too.god.damn.much. My heart can't take their feathery ears, sidelong glances, and dry, sleepy noses.

Here, just look for yourself:

in sportz news

GO MOCS!!!!!
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