23 June 2009
what is kismet doing?

someone is nervy about tomorrow's haircute.
"am i still going to be cute and loveable... harumph. ;("
fashion porn

do you like clothes, movies, art, color, real life drama?
do yourself a favor and netflix this: marc jacobs & louis vuitton.
released for french tv in 2007, this small documentary crew was given unprecedented access to marc jacobs' creative process behind the scenes as he puts together his new york runway show for his own collection and a paris runway show for louis vuitton as creative director. what i loved about this film was they way each person, accessory, fabric, garment, and color supported a story that was shown from idea to frenzied fruition. the fashion industry is terribly fascinating to watch, and this production in particular goes above and beyond to scratch beyond the surface of the characters that make it so.
it is intended for french tv, so some of the production values / editing are un petit cheesy, but go ahead and watch. i just finished and i want to start over.
11 biscuits
11 biscuits,
louis vuitton,
marc jacobs,
movie review
some music news...
this song by the silversun pickups is the first indie song to hit #1 on the billboard charts in 10 years. (in 1998, this and this were #1) (mog)
also, sigur ros's Ágætis byrjun was just named iceland's greatest album of all time!
sigur ros,
silversun pickups
gchatz w/ j-midge
me: brb lunch
me: b
john: like i give a shit
me: ugh
john: yeah
how do you like that?
me: eh
not that much
mostly it just makes me feel sorry for you
john: oyt
there we go
eat that
me: two-tries midgette
john: it won't take me two tries to pop you in the mouth
me: lol
you win
RIP ed mcmahon

justin timberlake
britney spears
wade robson
tatyana ali
christina aquilera
ed mcmahon,
justin timberlake,
star search
nErD aLeRt!

thx lilly!
nerd alert,
you'll understand

check out the photos in this nytimes slideshow and you will understand why the running of the bulls in pamplona is on my list of things i never want to do.
daily ri ri

shut up gawker
what ever happened to...
POGS?!!! the miley cyrus of our generation.

miley cyrus,
NeRd aLeRt!
so there is THIS article in nymag lamenting New York's lost Frank Gehry architectural icons. I mean LA gets the walt disney concert hall and stinky old Bilbao has its guggenheim. New York is at least half as cool as Bilbao, so where is our awesome titanium clad ribbony confection? the author suggests new york lost her chance for loving him "too little too late."

there is even a glittering slideshow to show us all the fabulous architecture we could have had if we had just jumped on the bandwagon in time. included projects: east river guggenheim, atlantic yards, IAC hq, beekman tower, nytimes hq.

um, point of order... one of these is a built project, and one is currently under construction. it would seem that new york and frank gehry HAVE had their opportunity to dance and create iconarchitecture.
caveat section: it is regrettable that forest city ratner conned the city and mr gehry with the old smoke and mirrors atlantic yards debacle (more so because of how much what we're getting sucks, not because of how great it would have been).
in terms of the missing downtown guggenheim, the model is compelling (bilbao with a skyline). it leads me to
believe that the best way for gehry to succeed in manhattan is to shoot off of it in all his glory, unencumbered by the street grid and pesky sightlines. party of the reason why frank lloyd wright's guggenheim is so special is that you can step back and really see it.

BUT: with the iac project, gehry had an amenable client who wanted a showplace headquarters that made a statement. unfortunately, the building only knows how to shout at you from far away. ive walked around this building and seen it in passing from the westside highway, and it seems like everyone forgot about one of the most important aspects of any building in manhattan, how you engage the street. the doors down there seem like an afterthought, like the architect forgot that people had to get in and out of his beautiful white fritted billowy sail office. why couldnt this project have been new york's great chance? not big enough??
then what about beekman tower, currently under construction in lower manhattan. you get a good view of it taking the brooklyn bridge into the city. gehry basically admits in this article that he fell victim to the typical new york trap and basically gussied up a spec high rise tower with some metal clad bay windows. the layout lady (re: broker) had to coax him into delivering something remotely special. was the budget too small for this to be new york's great chance?

new york times then? gehry says he was basically given the commission, but turned it down and returned the money because he couldnt commit to Monday meetings in new york. oh really frank. renzo piano somehow made it work. given the success of piano's ny times building, and the lackluster streetscape of IAC, i think we're better off. also, what a dick move to be like, oh yeah, i turned that down. also im an outsider in case you didnt know. sniff sniff.
frank gehry,
new york,
part your hair at the crown
give a little tease...
h8. ;(
h8. ;(
badly behaved teens,
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