Memphis, TN - A kind reader (my sister) alerted me to another reason why you never have to leave Tennessee, the World Overcomers Outreach Ministries Church
Lady of Liberation! You won't find a back room in our video store, that filth is better left to the sin cities. AKA New York City! If you love g-d, but you hate queers, women's reproductive rights, and religions other than your own, then Memphis has the statue for you. Lady of Liberation stands in at 72 feet tall, holds aloft a gold cross instead of a torch of enlightenment, and carries the Ten Commandments. Also, a single tear has been shed from her eye. She is probably crying because bitch that gold cross is heavy and it is HOT outside! Someone get that gurl a sno cone! She is at the corner of Winchester and Kirby if you want to take a look. thx melissa!