06 April 2011

what is neely's kitty doing?

trying out new chairs. he might not be able to get himself out of this one. thx neely!

1990 wednesday!


brooklyn flea is now in williamsburg on sundays!

and they've got some new food features:
To understand the bazaar’s impact on the local dining scene, one need only trek to opening weekend of the outdoor season April 2 and 3, when a new crop of vendors will unveil their nascent businesses and brand expansions to a ravenous public (check brooklynflea.com for vendor location and schedule). Here are but a few of the newcomers to make their debuts this Saturday in Fort Greene, and Sunday at the Flea’s new Williamsburg location, on a 40,000-square-foot riverside lot leased from the Edge condo development. (Come May, Flea organizers will inaugurate a dedicated food market there on Saturdays, with Greenmarket farmers joining an expanded mix of purveyors and street-food stands. Working name: Smorgasburg.) (via)

(is that ol' peanut butter?)

look how funny this is.


1990 Wednesday

it's 1990 wednesday!

tell me what your favorite 1990 hit was, and i'll post the video for all to enjoy. 

what is holmes doing?!

introducing..........neely's kitty, HOLMES!
somtimes he takes naps in his kitty chaise.
and he's a little bit cross-eyed. maybe needs some glasses?


is the world really supposed to end the day before my 30th birthday? i can get on board with that.

anyway, great job brit brit. 11 biscuits!

reunited and it feels so good

no longer adrift.

puppy can haz play time with kitteh?


just what do you think youre doing

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