as joel and i discovered on our great american road trip a couple of months ago,
richmond, virginia is a fascinating place with a really great history. if you don't believe me, you can just read
its wikipedia.
one thing i didn't know about richmond is that
edgar allen poe spent much of his life living there. they have a museum dedicated to him, and are currently hosting a bicentennial anniversary of his birthday party.
"But if you really want to feel the potency of the Poe myth, come to the Poe Museum, whose curator, Chris Semtner, also shaped the show at the Library of Virginia. The museum’s literature says that it has “the world’s finest collection of Edgar Allan Poe’s manuscripts, letters, first editions, memorabilia and personal belongings.” It is here, in the oldest house still standing in Richmond (built around 1750) and with a few of the adjacent homes annexed, that the cult of Poe may be said to have its headquarters. The museum’s ramshackle character creates a quaint aura of antique devotion." (