27 May 2010

oh i forgot to tell you...


what is patrick doing this weekend?

EMBED-Ardi Rizal - The real SMOKING BABY !! - Watch more free videos

'I'm not worried about his health, he looks healthy,' shrugged the boy's father Mohammad Rizal.

He cries and throws tantrums when we don't let him smoke. He's addicted.' (via)

thx LIZ!

yayayayayAYAYAyaayAYAyayAYAY!! (roof raise)

HOUSTON — The latest effort to plug a gushing underwater oil well in the Gulf of Mexico appeared to be working, officials and engineers said on Thursday morning, though definitive word on its success was still hours away. (via)

are those bbq tongs?

f you, bieber!

Justin Bieber has reached the inevitable "diva" phase of his career. A radio host in Australia said Bieber was "a thoroughly nice bloke" until "our floor manager was directing him to where he was about to perform and [Bieber] turned aroud and said to him, 'Don't ever fucking touch me again'." The Aussies were shocked until a member of Bieber's crew informed them, "he tells us that all the time." The radio host says he thought to himself, "Maybe someone needs to drag you aside and give you a bit of a slap," so, um, maybe the freak-out was justified. Anyway, Biebs says it's all lies. (via)

2 new arcade fire songs TODAY!

UPDATE: here they are!!

arcade fire - the suburbs
omg SO good!
arcade fire - month of may
not sure if i care for this'n. i bet it'll grow on me.

Listen live at noon ET on Thursday, May 27, for the U.S. premiere of two new songs by Arcade Fire, from the band's upcoming album. All Songs Considered host Bob Boilen will talk to Arcade Fire's Win and Will Butler about the record, and offer a special preview of the songs "Month of May" and "The Suburbs." Listen to the conversation on this page, and tell us what you think of the new songs in the chat below. (via)

keekerz speakerz

drake's new album is fcoming out on june 15, but a couple of tracks have hit the internets.

drake (feat. jay-z) - light up
annoying hollerin' throughout, but 11 biscuits!
drake (feat. alicia keys) - fireworks


it's his GoLdEn BeArThDaY!!!

27 bears old on the 27th!! i've been waiting for this for so long!
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