NASHVILLE - A measure that would prohibit the teaching of homosexuality in Tennessee public schools has passed the Senate.
Under the proposal approved 19-11 today, any instruction or materials at a public elementary or middle school will be "limited exclusively to age-appropriate natural human reproduction science."
Republican Senate sponsor Stacey Campfield of Knoxville says "homosexuals don't naturally reproduce."
Campfield says current state curriculum is not clear on what can be taught.
The companion bill has been withdrawn from consideration in the House. But its sponsor has said he will bring it up again next year if the Senate version passes.
According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, Tennessee would become the first state to enact such legislation if the proposal passes.
Opponents of the legislation say it would be unfair to students who have same sex parents. (via)
i should point out that stacey campfield (that name is super gay, btw) is from EAST tennessee. where rob is from.