16 November 2011

everyone get ready.

Occupy's website calls for a 7 a.m. meeting at Zuccotti Park, where protesters will try to "shut down Wall Street" by "confront[ing] Wall Street with the stories of people on the frontlines of economic injustice," the idea being to "exchange stories rather than stocks." Then they're going to spread out to 16 different subway stations throughout the five boroughs and do more storytelling there through general assemblies at the stations. Finally, the plan is to assemble in the evening at Foley Square and march to "our bridges" (which ones are not specified, but the closest is the Brooklyn Bridge). (via)
bonus link:
download the poster


have y'all seen benetton's new UNHATE ad campaign?
There's no doubt that these are the pictures of the day. U.S. President Barack Obama kissing his Venezuelan counterpart Hugo Chavez, Mahmoud Abbas embracing Benjamin Netanyahu, and Germany's Angela Merkel locking lips with Nicolas Sarkozy. Is this bad fan fiction? A new approach to international diplomacy?
The stunning (albeit photoshopped) images are part of a new campaign by the United Colors of Benetton. Alessandro Benetton, executive deputy chairman, who presented the ads in Paris on Wednesday, said they were meant to promote the idea of "unhate," The Times Of India writes. "The images are very strong, but we have to send a strong message. We are not wanting to be disrespectful of the leaders ... we consider them "conception figures" making a statement of brotherhood with a kiss," he reportedly said. (via)

2Pz christmas list

get me this plz!

thx sJ.


thx markie!

this is fun.

what if the manhattan grid kept going.... extendNY.


i love you!

comedy wednesday

Amy Schumer is featured prominently in this article about how ladies are funny after all! #whoknew? I hadn't heard of her but I'm listening to her album on spotify and ctmol'ing at my desk.

UPDATE: It's NSFW, so put those headphones on.

brooklyn heights in music videos

there's been a rash of videos for the music i've been listening to showing up with brooklyn heights all up in them.

this one takes place on g.ainmalz street! i didn't see dharma once, for some reason.

and there's this one, too!


thx g.animalz!


Mariah Yeater, the 20-year-old woman who claimed that angelic pop prince Justin Bieber had impregnated her during an unromantic, 30-second statutorily rapey tryst, "quietly" dismissed her paternity suit last week, TMZ reports. (via)
i'll have to make another christmas wish.

read this.

if you're in the 99%, you should be following massachusetts senatorial candidate, elizabeth warren. you might know her from this quote that went viral all over the internet a couple months back. she's a fascinating and brilliant lady, and the more you know about her, the better. nymag profiles her in their latest issue:
“Our job is to let Elizabeth be Elizabeth,” says Doug Rubin, “and to build a campaign around her.” A former top adviser to Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick, Rubin is now Warren’s chief political strategist. When I met him recently at his Boston office, copies of The Tipping Point, Moneyball, and The Art of War were stacked on his desk, while Scott Brown’s memoir Against All Odds sat on the bookshelf. Rubin has worked in state politics for two decades, but the first time he ever spoke to Warren was this past summer, when she called him on a Sunday afternoon to pick his brain about a potential Senate race. “Normally when I talk to people who are thinking about running for office, it’s all logistics: How much money am I going to have to raise? How much time will I have to be out on the trail?” he says. “But she spent the first half-hour talking about why she wanted to do it, the issues she cared about. I was very impressed by that.” (via)
bonus links:
her simple breakdown of the 2008 economic collapse on the daily show
an hour-long lecture on the 30-year erosion of the middle class from earlier this year

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