03 February 2010

murd flurps

bollywood mud flaps. ahmedabad, western india. sure beats yosemite sam or the silhouette of that slutty lady. [see more]

baby making hips

i distinctly remember hearing this song on the radio 3 years ago when i was driving back into manhattan from a site visit in new jersey. fantasia was on oprah today and i was reminded of that moment, and now im sharing it with you.

this is a real movie

can you believe it

what book should kylie read?

i have j-doots tomorrow, and the book i'm currently reading is like pulling word teeth, so i'm going to get something new on my way home tonight. put your suggestions in the comments plz.

Let's hear it for Lilly Von Schtupp

blazing saddles + madeline kahn = perfection

museum buttons


unlikely friends

this little baby impala was just too cute to eat. he got patted, licked, and face mushed, then they let him go on his merry way.

source, via

sweet revenge

this charming little creature stumbled into town and was tranquilized. she woke up, and gave chase to her pursuers. they eventually corralled her and stuck her in a zoo to crush her spirit.

source, via.

emmett cullen wears calvins

other guys do to, but most of them don't look like this.

still loving this one

jump on it

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