11 May 2009


Published in 2003, Ms. Mason’s memoir, “Breath,” is not well known outside the Southeast, or perhaps even outside North Carolina, where she was born, grew up and died. It was published by a small regional house, Down Home Press, and was not widely reviewed. But the truly significant thing is that the book was written at all.

Ms. Mason died on Monday at her home in Lattimore, N.C. She was 71 and had lived for more than 60 years in an iron lung. (nytimes)

thx g.

i told yall.

"Poor man's butter," they used to call avocados when my father was a child. (Now they would more aptly be described as "rich man's butter.") (nytimes)

thx meriel!

an en vogue reunion

en vogue was on the view this morning to promote their 20 year anniversary reunion tour. remember when they were on a different world as the old cook's dowdy young nieces who got a makeover into pretty young things.

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