16 September 2009

what is jazzy doing?

she just wants to lay down. thx dad!

"cut the president some slack"

barack skywalker

go obama!

i want to go to there

brasilia, brazil



kanye disses 2pz

just add this: " http://kanyelicio.us/ " in front of your favorite url


thx bun-bun!

kill bill

this kid in baltimore chopped a burglar in his house with a samurai sword and killed him.

backwardz wednesdayz!!

you're welx!

keekerz speakerz

thao with the get down stay down - know better learn faster (new!)
is that andrew bird in there?

funny jumping robot

from the bbc,

oh, no you didnt, jan simek!

i always knew i didn't like former-interim-dean-of-achitecture and current-interim-president-of-the-university jan simek, but i could never put my finger on why. he always seemed dishonest, like you just couldn't trust him. no matter how much he made you want to.

well, he's gone and proved me right. look at what ol' benedict arnold said in the newspaper!

“Lane comes from the Pac-10, which in many respects is the epitome of great academics and great athletics, as this past weekend showed on several different levels, including to us. When we lost to UCLA, we lost to a better academic institution, too.” (via)

ugh! why don't you just go ruin lives in california if you love it so much, you liberal hippie traitor!!


a single man, by tom ford

tom ford said he was quitting his job at gucci because he wanted to make movies. now he is making menswear AND movies! critically acclaimed at that.

music videos

air - sing sang sung
(couldn't find and embeddable version, but worth a watch)

fever ray - seven (good lord, that's scary)

andrew bird - anonanimal

fever ray - triangle walks (live.....look at those gd LaZeRz!!!!)

that's not cool, maura b jacobson!

you will never believe what nymag crossword puzzle creator, maura b. jacobson did to me this week!

clue: fergie's first name

i had : S _ _ _ _

now, i got real excited because i happen to know that fergie of the black eyed peas is really named STACY ferguson. so i just finished that one out and moved on. but then, i started running in to troubs all around this answer. eventually i realized that there is no way this could be the answer....even though i KNOW i was right.

after two days of walking the streets mumbling to myself and cursing maura, it occurred to me this morning that there is that OTHER fergie. and her name is SARAH.

how infuriating. f u, maura. you smug bitch. (jk, i love you and your crossword puzzles)

bon iver side project

justin vernon (bon iver) + collection of colonies of bees = volcano choir.

you can hear the whole album here.


apparently, florida is planning to really give it to us on saturday...

can you hear me now?

would you like to unscientifically test your hearing?

i only made it up to 14. reckon my hearing is shot from playing beyonce too loud in my earbuds...

john has the ears of a teenager...and the body of a pre-teen.

starla, you better look out.

hot damn!


some kitties just don't get it.

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