23 March 2009

new math

(just click above)


just in case you care, the Dow is up 500 points today.
When the Obama administration outlined its plans to stabilize the banking system last month, leery investors panned the proposal as being short on substance and sent stock markets into a tailspin. But investors went on a tear Monday as the administration announced details of its banking rescue plan, hoisting the markets more than 6 percent in one of the biggest buying binges of the year. (nytimes)

thx barack!

nErD aLeRt!

some highline progress photos here.

hulu launches documentary section

Hulu just got a little more real.

As part of its one-year anniversary, free video streaming site Hulu has been thanking its growing viewers with a series of Fan Appreciation events.

Since March 12, the site has been spotlighting more episodes of favorite series, new shows and movies and social networking functions. Today, the surprise was the launch of a special Documentaries section.

(via lepanopticon)

paperwhite watch : week 3

look at them! i had to adjust the angle of the shot to truly depict how tall they've gotten. omgomgomg.

what's for lunch?????

my dad's lunch:
roast beef + pepper jack on rye
with dijon mustard
one nanner
energy bar
peach yogurt (not pictured)

the next snuggie.

just saw this ridic commercial. if only i had some carpet...

here's the website, with more videos.

joelz speekerz

As I prepare to eat, thee.

nErD aLeRt!

robert a.m. stern on women in architecture. who let this happen?

what's for jazzy's lunch?????

sometimes jazzy eats my dad's lunch.

blog friends!

check out these tumblrs from our friends suzanne and dave!
wilderness of glass
fantastic voyage

keekerz speakerz

bag raiders - shooting stars

what's for lunch?????

rob's lunch : 'guac dog' + jack-and-coke

what's for birthday cake?????

inspired by this, john and i made a special treat for a special birthday girl. we kla$$ed our version up a bit...
step 1: cover the kitchen door so the birthday surprise isn't rueened.

step 2: just whip up some old-fashioned cookie dough, and don't be afraid to get dirty!

step 3: smash it into a giant cookie shape, and just cook it!

step 4: mix your icing with an entire bottle of red food coloring.

step 5: admire your creations and get ready to use your creativity...

step 6: apply your 'toppin's'

marshmellow mozzarella, swedish fish anchovies, milk dud sausage

step 7: light that s on fire!


atlantis dubai grand opening fireworks. what is dubai's deal?

netflix rex

just watched vicky cristina barcelona today: 11 biscuits!!!!
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