Check out what my new room in GPP is going to look like! CAN'T WAIT!
"Dalton Campbell, 11, and Jorday Campbell, 9, from Ontario, Canada, relaxed in the Space Fantasy Room at the Best Western Space Shuttle Inn after a visit to the Kennedy Space Center." from the times.
me: i saw what he can do with his leg
while sitting rachel: (redacted strategy discussion) me: just push him a little further rachel: i think thats his bad leg
ill probably break his damn hip while trying to make him human me: he's not THAT old is he? rachel: no, but he definitely does a bunny hop with his back end
he might have injured it at some point or, like a lot of labs, he's in the beginning phases of hip dysplasia me: sounds like he's in the beginning phases of a lot of excuses
i was going through my trunk of souvenirs, and i found this doll. the doll we used to play with before the war. before you went inSANE.
you were sittin' on that quilt, that, at one time had kept us warm. and the quilt was so worn, billy, and it smelled like moth balls, which, brought back all those memories of the time we spent in the attic.
with muffin. and you told us that mother was wrong and we were right. didn't you, muffin? and i took care of you. and billy.
but billy was much more trouble than you, wasn't he, muffin? especially when he got to be bigger than susan. and made her do things she did NOT...wanna do. things that made her sick.
and mother pretended she didn't know, but she did.
well, who's lyin' in a bed, in an insane asylum, plugged into a life support system. and who's wearin' fine jewels, and expensive clothes. and whose husband....accidentally died, just recently, and left me all. his. money?
oh, this is a....there's a plug here that hooks into, where he's breathin' and stuff. um...let me just take it back.
and whose husband just accidentally died, and left her all his money?
(plug pull)
well, i'll see you in hell, billy. but at least I'M gonna have some fun, before I get there.
my brother craig had a baby duck growing up named peepers. if you want to know what happened to peepers, you need to ask THIS guy. SPOILER ALERT: peepers dies.