16 October 2009

introducing staten island's newest addition...

rainbow brite gets updated

Shy Violet looks real good.
just saying. nothing weird.

marc jacobs


hold on to your babies people


pretty astronomy

image of the deflection in one of saturn's outer rings as one of its moons passes by.


thx g!

frrrreeeeezing friday.

joel's friday night.


what a bunch of balooney

did the heene son expose his parents as frauds? i think this bunch of trashy mixers are lying.

right on...daddio?

rush limbaugh has some kind words for fox news' number one crazy.

SHOCK! louisiana opposed to race mixin'.

keith bardwell, a justice of the peace in tangipahoa parish, LA, refused to grant a marriage license to an interracial couple because of his belief that mixy-marriages don't last very long, and cause harm to potential children. bardwell estimates he has refused to marry about four couples in the last two and half years of his career. i know what you're thinking, "of all places, this happened in louisiana!?" but as hard as it is to believe, it's all here in black and white...separately oc.

but don't worry, it's not like the guy is racist or anything. mr. bardwell offers this irrefutable proof:

"i'm not a racist. i just don't believe in mixing the races that way... i have piles and piles of black friends. they come to my home, i marry them, they use my bathroom. i treat them just like everyone else."

you see? this guy isn't stuck in the 1950's. he's totally okay with using the same toilet as his piles and piles of black friends. piles and piyules. just pieyules!

attorney katie schwartzmann (ugh, jews) of the american civil liberties union of louisiana is asking that bardwell receive "the most severe sanctions available, because such blatant bigotry poses a substantial threat of serious harm to the administration of justice."


puppies dressed as cats

thanks coco!
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