06 September 2011

harbor, the dog with the world's longest ears


baby elephant wants to play

that little kismet is cookoo crackers

congrats PJ Harvey

thomas wilhelm's favorite album to listen to at work won the mercury prize for best british album of the year. if you havn't listened yet, download spotify and get to it.

I get it, because of the prosti-boats>

ZING! U Maryland sets the bar pretty high for heckling The U. article here

tent-backed rhinoceros rides

mountain dew margaritas, deep fried dorito burger sandwiches, and cherry ranch? i think you just described my labor day weekend.

brb oustide : the hamptons

djv, liz, and i were lucky enough to spend a couple of days with 2Pz friend, rachel, at her beautiful east hampton beach house. here are some sights from the weekend.


enjoying her brithday present.

twinsies roomies.

our gracious host.

brb outside : tennessee football

traffic. where ut and bard alums gather to cheer on the vols.

hay smokey!

they gave us free stuff!

final score: 42-16 VOLS!

These videos are just too much.

Today feels like a Brie day for me too.

The Cheeses of France

The way to a get affection is with cheese with diamonds.

this was at burning man.

i want that. (via)

GIRLS - father, son, holy ghost

new album
streaming here.

new music tuesday, amiright?

neon indian - era extraña

new album
streaming here.

That ish Bray!

Japanese Tsunami Viewed From A Car

This video is a first hand look at the Japanese earthquake and tsunami as seen through the dashboard cam of a delivery truck.

It's a nightmare.

st. vincent : strange mercy

new album
streaming here.

wait, are they talking about starla or thomas wilhelm?


did you see what happened to rafa?

his leg hurt because maybe it was too hot and he didnt drink enough water so he had to take a nap during the press conference.

or something like that.

he obviously doesn't know that


love you madge.
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