10 March 2009

Listos? Let's jump in...

English contains about twice as many words as does Spanish. In turn, Spanish contains about four times the amount of colloquial expressions as does English (Ebonics notwithstanding).

I’ll offer a number of expressions for the next time you find yourself conversing in the tongue of tongues…

To begin:
“no tener pelos en la lengua”

Speaking of tongues, to “not have hairs on the tongue” is a familiar expression indicating a person who readily admits the first thing that comes to mind. This kind of individual lacks the friction on their palette that allows for any kind of verbal restraint. We all know the type…the correspondents on this blog, for example. Try the following: “Joel no tiene un pelo en la lengua!” Excellent – that’s one of the most apt observations you can make.

Now get out there and use your first words. Id con Dios!

1 comment:

joel said...

gracias por la observacion el guero.

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