19 March 2009

The Mouse Diaries

Fool me once mfsob mouse shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. It has been 48 hours since I saw that life-ruiner for the first time. When I got home from work today, he greeted me at the door. That is when I put my foot down. I pay entirely way too much money to let the gd mouse run me out of my own tiny ass apartment that I work so hard for. So I called up my wonderful friend BMJ, and we went trayup shopping. Just to make sure he was still there, we set some cheese out by itself and sure enough he ran the eff out from under the stove to get it. So tonight, I have set snayup trayups. My electrocution chamber didn't work, so I have gone back to the old fashion neck snappers. In the morning I hope to have a dead mouse body in my kitchen. Will keep you posted oc. God bless NYC apartments.


Anonymous said...

This will not fail. In your trayup, instead of cheese, get 1/2 of a peanut and a twist-tie. Put the flat side of the peanut against the trayup. Tie the peanut to the trayup with the twist-tie. Make sure it's secured snuggly. The mouse will not resist the peanut, nor will he be able to remove it. SNAP!

kylie said...

back in my mouse-hunting days, they used to crazy for some crunchy peanut butter. just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

Well I certainly hope that little MF is DOA. Only a few more days...Which reminds me, if he is coming from under the stove, soak a wad of paper towels in pine sol or something equally potent spread that out on the floor in front of the stove and the smell will keep him away. Worked for me back in the day.

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