30 March 2009

weekend movie roundup

i watched a lot of stuff this weekend, and i'd like to tell you how i felt about everything:


intense, disturbing, unconventional, and beautiful...11 biscuits!!!!

synecdoche, new york:

looks good, doesn't it? well, if you like throwing hours of your life into the trashcan 2 at a time, then watch this movie! 0 biscuits!!! ;(

planet earth : deep ocean:
there was a PE marathon on discovery yesterday, and this one was always my favorite. i would do just about anything to have bioluminescence. 11 biscuits!!!

the assassination of jesse james by the cowardly robert ford:

this one's a couple of years old now, but i loved it when i saw it and watched it again on hbo this weekend. i recommend netflix-ing if you haven't seen it. casey affleck is real good, and there's also brad pitt. 11 biscuits!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why does everything get either 11 biscuits or 0 biscuits. the world isnt black or white.

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