29 May 2009

melissa is babysitting

i asked her to take some pixies of the children and let me know what theyre like.
this is what she sent.

This is Gracie...She is the best. Doesnt bark or make peep/poops in the house! She is the only one that is allowed to "stay out, all day"!

This is all of them together. As you can see sandy is pooped from that mean little millie (you'll see why she is mean next). Also please note that Gracie will play rough with millie and right when millie thinks she is winning Gracie out smarts her by jumping on something high- bc millie hasnt learned to jump on things, yet...
thats also why gracie's food is on the kitchen tabe (ew) so millie cant reach it (yay). apparently dog food is way more yummy than pup food.

Sandy was chewin on the toy alone in peace... until gracie jump on the table to get away from millie...so millie took the opportunity to come over and bite Sandy's jaw...thats right. not the toy but her freaking JOWL! mean millie mean.

1 comment:

kylie said...

ceeeeeeeyute! 11 biscuits!

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