29 June 2009

all your questions answered: mammatus clouds

Remember those freaky-deaky clouds in NYC friday night? Sure you do. They were total freak shows! Turns out, they're called mammatus clouds. YOU'RE WELCOME.

"Mammatus may appear as smooth, ragged or lumpy lobes and may be opaque or semitransparent. Because mammatus occur as a grouping of lobes...A lobe can last an average of 10 minutes, but a whole cluster of mamma can range from 15 minutes to a few hours. They usually are composed of ice, but also can be a mixture of ice and liquid water or be composed of almost entirely liquid water."

also, the danger:

"In the United States, sky gazers may be most familiar with the very distinct and more common cumulonimbus mammatus. When occurring in cumulonimbus, mammatus are often indicative of a particularly strong storm or maybe even a tornadic storm...Due to the intensely sheared environment in which mammatus form, aviators are strongly cautioned to avoid cumulonimbus with mammatus." -- just like Canadian Geesers!


kylie said...

yesssssssss. those clouds were h2d!

NeekoSeeko said...

Hello there :)

I have just made a post on my blog about mammatus clouds.

And I fell in love with them!

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