11 June 2009

And they make great librarians!

Kittehs. We love them. They are small and fluffy and full of love to give. But, sometimes they can get in the way. When you’re reading, when you’re typing on your computer (pling, pling, SPACE, pew, pling)--when you’re trying be productive! It’s as if they are jealous and can't stand anything that steals attention away from them. So they rueeen it. They hog your books and sit on your hands. So selfish! Well, scientists have recently discovered that cats are not, in fact, self-centered, narcissistic, egocentric furry fiends. They are simply misunderstood—AGAIN! They WANT to be READING what you’re reading--they crave knowledge! They can learn! Try setting your cat up as if they were you, bespectacled and leaning over a book. Like so...and see what happens! Who knows, they could be reading a bedtime story to you tonight.

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