23 July 2009

movie trailers

i just popped in the dark knight dvd to play for me while i twitter about on the internet and the watchmen trailer came on. I remember the first time I saw it (opening night of the dark knight), and am still transfixed. Something about the combination of THE SONG, with the familiar yet strange comic book imagery and costumes.

I was thinking about how it may be the best trailer I have ever seen, and I remembered an article about the 50 greatest trailers of all time that I intended to share with you, but never got around to. Turns out IFC thinks there are 45 greater trailers. Do you have a favorite? I totally agree about number three. I remember exactly where I was the first time I saw that one as well.


Unknown said...

Where the Wild Things Are is 33? Bologna.

Craig said...

Probably too recent, but The Hangover should be on there...I saw that trailer months ago and waited in eager anticipation until the movie came out.

joel said...

not to mention district 9, yip!

kylie said...

i was going to say that!

i agree with the strangers. that one hooked me. and the movie scared the pants off me. also, i remmeber responding to the texas chainsaw massacre trailer for the re=make a few years ago. i guess it's only scary movie trailers that get me.

joel said...

zomg the strangers. creeeeeeeeepy. no thank you for making me remember that one.

Joseph said...

What a fantastic list. Two movies missing - American Gangster trailer, and also the Star Wars ep. III trailer with Vader breathing. Actually all star wars trailers, and indiana jones trailers (except the last one)

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