02 September 2009

the uterus : something to be proud of?

the guardian published this scientist lady's fascinating expose about the wild, wondrous world of the womb!

"The uterus, or womb, is the organ par excellence. It functions so efficiently that a full understanding of its processes may lead to novel treatments for a plethora of medical disorders.

The inner lining of the womb is the endometrium. This lining responds to the female hormones and is shed monthly in a period. During bleeding, the endometrium is red and inflamed and looks very similar to a wound on the skin. In contrast to the skin, however, the endometrium has the extraordinary ability to repair rapidly without scarring. This efficient monthly repair is unparalleled in the male, or outside the reproductive system."


thx g!


joel said...

nothing to be proud of

Melissa said...

someone sounds jelly...

joel said...

oh my god, i am NOT jealous of your uterus!

kylie said...

jelly jelly anonyjoel!

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