30 November 2009

great news!!!!

The American Kennel Club has announced that three new dog breeds -- the bluetick coonhound, the Boykin spaniel and the redbone coonhound -- will be eligible for AKC conformation competition beginning Dec. 30.

The new breeds will bring the total number of breeds recognized by the AKC to 164.

The bluetick coonhound (left) is believed to be descended from the French staghound and English foxhound, and blueticks were originally classified as members of the English foxhound breed.

Blueticks and English foxhounds went their separate ways in 1945 because, according to the AKC, bluetick breeders "didn't want to follow the trend toward producing a hot-nosed, faster hunter. Proud of their larger, cold-nosed and resolute, if slower hounds, they named their breed and maintained their own hunting style."

As a result of these breeding practices, blueticks are known for their endurance in addition to their signature coloring, for which they're named. A bluetick named Smokey is the mascot for the University of Tennessee. (via!)

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