17 December 2009

doomsday, again.

well, yesterday was another MTA doomsday, and they voted on some really great stuff. for examps...

- do you like the W and Z subway lines? well, don't. because they're over, ok?
- and the G and M lines are getting shorter. fingers crossed, long island city!!
- used to be, kids got free metrocards to go to school. let's hope they get to keep them. david paterson promised.
- 700 workers will be unemployed now. don't worry though, they'll still have COBRA.
- 10% paycut for those state-run-service-management fat cats (aka MTA administration)

Elected officials and outraged straphangers lambasted the MTA for choosing that combinatiom of cuts, and asked transit officials to find the cost savings elsewhere.

"You respond to people's needs slower than the C train and G train on the weekends," said Councilman Charles Barron. (via)

zzzzzzzzzZZZING! but as nymag says, it could be worse. they could've raised fares!!!

side note: i had the pleasure of riding on a new future-bus the other day. it was like a robot took me home.

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