09 December 2009

meet your worst nighmare

when someone mentions the jersey shore, you might imagine parasites of the guido variety, but prepare yourself for something infinitely more horrifying. meet the cymothoa exigua, aka the tongue eating louse, aka snookie, aka schnickas. this crustacean parasite consumes and replaces the tongue of spotted rose snappers off the coast of california, and until recently, it was thought that the c. exigua could only be found on the west coast of the US. however, in september of this year it was also discovered inhabiting the mouth of the weaver fish off the coast of jersey....england. if you'd like to read more about this disgusting creature, click here and here, 'cause knowledge is power.


kylie said...


i'm trying to eat lunch!!!!


0 biscuits.


Susanne said...

KYLIE, JOEL, SOMEONE!!!.....please use your executive power to do something about this parasite image. It's the ickiest thing ever and it's majorly disturbing my hourly 2pz check-ups!

kylie said...

it's ruining my day too. but we have to support thomas wilhelm's freedom of the press. even if he's too chicken to use his real name. which is john thomas midgette. jicyww.

it's gross, though. and the memory of it is consuming and replacing my brain, and stealing my thoughts.

thomas wilhelm said...

get used to it ladies. schnickas the tongue eating crustacean is here to stay.

joel said...

no thanks to this.

joel said...

also, that fish has person teeth

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