31 March 2010

just as predicted.

thanks a lot, president obama. now that you've pushed healthcare through, the apocalypse is underway. just like the republicans said would happen. and it's starting in poor little rhode island.

"We have some historic flooding going on in places we've never had flooding before," said Cranston, Rhode Island, police Lt. Stephen Antonucci. "We have numerous streets that are closed, and they're telling us the worst is still yet to come."

All eyes were on the Pawtuxet River, which runs through Cranston. The river stood at 20.64 feet as of about 7 a.m. ET -- nearly 12 feet above flood stage of 9 feet. It is forecast to crest at 20.7 feet Wednesday morning, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (via)

jersey's gettin' it pretty hard too. jicne1c.

at least we can start drilling for oil in the ocean. i just hope no one pulls up any giant isopods!!

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