25 June 2010

just leave me alone, ok?

so i read this crazy story on gawker yesterday, and i can't stop thinking about it.

it all takes place in a small village of 1800 people in the northern region of the netherlands known as friesland. anyone who knows anything knows that that's where the dutch keep their crazies. so it was no surprise that this happened there. anyway, so this old guy was living with his 4 old siblings (their ages ranging from 50 to 75), and he got his feelings hurt or something one day four years ago, and told them all that he was going to his room, and to leave him alone.

four years passed, and three days ago, while renovating their home, they needed to get in there to do some work. yep, you guessed it. there the old man was. well, there his corpse was. just laying in bed. for four years! or something.

anyway, that's all the info that was available, and i just couldn't make heads nor tails of any of it. some theories included that 1) dutch people are stereotypically literal, or 2) that he had a bad temper, and no one wanted to p him o by bothering him.

today, there's some new info. like that the family was real religious, and never left the house anyway. contact with outsiders was discouraged. they have really good rules, like: if god wants you to be sick, you just have to deal with it. no doctors!

other than that, no one knows anything. hopefully, the rest of the story will find its way out.


Barbara said...

so do they no have a sense of smell?

Barbara said...

i meant to say "not"

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