10 August 2010

i wasn't aware...

...that vanity fair (and others) writer christopher hitchens has esophageal cancer. he wrote a first-person piece for the upcoming issue detailing his diagnosis and treatment, and it's quite good. (depression alert, oc.)
The notorious stage theory of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, whereby one progresses from denial to rage through bargaining to depression and the eventual bliss of “acceptance,” hasn’t so far had much application in my case. In one way, I suppose, I have been “in denial” for some time, knowingly burning the candle at both ends and finding that it often gives a lovely light. But for precisely that reason, I can’t see myself smiting my brow with shock or hear myself whining about how it’s all so unfair: I have been taunting the Reaper into taking a free scythe in my direction and have now succumbed to something so predictable and banal that it bores even me. (via)

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