09 December 2010

Republicans are batting a thousand...for terrible things.

today the senate failed to proceed on the defense authorization bill containing a measure to end don't ask don't tell. that means they didn't fail to pass the actual bill, just to debate it. republicans won't even allow the measure to go to the floor for a mere debate.

senator collins of maine finally came around to vote yes, and a really swell Democrat from the worst state in the union, west virginia, voted no. he was joined by centerfold scott brown and lisa-write-in-murkowski. together their three votes would have been enough to help bring an end to a policy that the president, the court system, much of the legislature, the military leadership, a majority of the troops and the american people want ended. so if you want to know at whom you should direct your ire, it's them.

in review : republicans refuse to give aid to 9/11 workers, assistance to the unemployed during a recession or end a wildly unpopular and bigoted policy. but they will fight to the death, and risk a middle class tax cut, to preserve unpaid for tax cuts for one-tenth of one percent of the population. just remember that in 2012.

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