02 December 2011

10 days of my birthday zooventure

yesterday, you met the okapi. let us continue on our tour of notable bronx zoo residents.

please welcome.....a rOcK hYrAx!!!!!!

here are the things you need to know about a rock hyrax:

guess what their closest relative is. you'll never guess. srsly there is no way you could ever see THIS coming. that explains why they don't have chins. moving on. i know they're the cutest thing you've seen all day, but they live mostly in africa, so don't try to go out looking for them. their feet never get too dry, because they sweat out the bottom of them. also, they are draculas. they don't have to beg for nicknames, because they already have them. you can call them "dassies" or "rock rabbits", even though those make no sense at all. oh, and they poop as soon as they're born.



thomas wilhelm said...

so a baby hyrax is essentially the opposite of a baby okapi. they get all their poops out immediately.

DJV said...

i prefer hydrox.

joel said...

get your poops out!

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