23 January 2012

the joe paterno conspiracy

good luck proving he's dead. look at this professional news article, in which he was reported to be wearing a wig on his deathbed. a wig? or a disguise.

all i'm saying is, where's the corpse?


Joseph said...

Honestly, fuck you. He had chemo therapy and lost all his hair.

thomas wilhelm said...

child-rape apologist!

kylie said...

i think you might be jumping to conclusions, joey tonez. i'm simply proposing an alternative reality where joe paterno never died. what's so bad about that?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"simply proposing an alternative reality" ....um, why?

Anonymous said...

Please, don't get so overwrought. Guy may have been a GREAT College Sport's Coach, but he will never get beyond his past. Now he was just that guy who allowed a child molester to run free and clear, when he had all the power in the world to change it. Fuck him and may his soul never have to pay for his transgressions.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to apologize for that comment. He's gone now and it's not my place to curse a dead man. It's wrong and it's not appropriate. But what he did not do should always be weighed against what he did do. It will never great enough to outweigh the terrible.

Joseph said...


who's overwrought? seems you are.

Melissa said...


Joseph said...

that's the ticket - Stick to writing about your shitty college. Penn State is above your filth.

joel said...

now im confused. i thought penn state was the shitty college that enabled and harbored a known rapist of underage boys. that is pretty filthy.

Joseph said...

It's the place who's students raise 9 million dollars for kids with cancer every year. And the school who's alumni don't need their mom's to call and wake them up every morning so they're not late for work.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame that people don't have anything more constructive and creative to do with their lives than to make inconsiderate and far from insightful jokes about a man who just passed away yesterday. And it's a shame that people find validation for their own shitty selves by belittling others and the people and things they care about. I feel sorry for you pricks. Its a fine day when a die-hard atheist finds himself preaching compassion in the face of jaded, hyper-negative one-liner posturing, but I suppose that's what such callous maliciousness masquerading as hip, look-at-me-I'm-so-above-the-drama-I-can-joke-about-it bullshit brings someone to.

There's a difference between being a deeply flawed man and making a mistake in judgment. Paterno committed the latter, and we can all fault him for that. For that one mistake. To ignore the rest of his achievements, achievements that overshadow what the vast majority of morally grand standing idiots who somehow believe they can sum up a man's life in 160 characters or less on Internet comment boards will ever do, is foolish and the complete antithesis of the integrity that Paterno fought his entire life to instill in not only his football players but in every student at Penn State. While he may have had a lapse of integrity himself "by not doing enough" (because I know everyone who condemns him with that epithet always does more than what's expected of them in their jobs and personal lives...) that doesn't erase the value of integrity that he has helped to form in hundreds of thousands of students.

Penn State is far from a shitty college. I went there and look! I used the word antithesis! And I can express myself through the written English language (and too a lesser extent, in Italian, thank you, Penn State!) unlike the majority of brain dead trolls who have yet to post a complete sentence sans 20 spelling mistakes on the Internet.

Now, if you'll excuse, I'm going to go back to work on the presentation of my travel fellowship that I was able to win thanks to Penn State, and hence Paterno's, stellar education system.

Oh, and I don't even like football.

joel said...


for loving me.

have you guys considered giving some of that cancer money to raped boys and girls?

kylie said...

who said anything bad about joe paterno?

melissa, you're the only one who understands anything.

Anonymous said...

Wow... If you're going to post insensitive bullshit at least be big enough to own up to it. This disingenous "dough eyed" attempt at earnest disbelief makes you look like a moron, at best.

kylie said...

own up to it? like anonymously, or...?

Friend of 2Pz said...

Did you guys see that zebra though? This blog rulez!! Penn State drewellzzzz.

Joseph said...

At least i've never made fun of someone with cancer, or someone who died of cancer. #betterthanyou #gofuckyourself

joel said...


bun-bun said...

omg, i make fun of people with cancer all the time. no big deal.

Anonymous said...

I hate to break into this argument now, but i just wanted to add my input if I could. It's actually "doe eyed," meaning innocent, like a deer. Saying "dough eyed" as you so succinctly put it, "makes you look like a moron, at best."


Anonymous said...

ya'll are just jealous cuz youve had 3 times as many jobs as Joe in 1/4 the time.


Anonymous said...

ah yes, you can read...but you somehow missed the quotation marks...and the pun. Go kick rocks. How's that for succint?

DJV said...

Oh a pun! Moving away from all this snark and anger for just one moment, I honestly did miss the pun. Any one who reads this blog will tell you that i love puns. Could you explain it to me?

thomas wilhelm said...

I like puns too, but I also love a simple old fashioned joke. Here's one for you: This graduate assistant walks into a locker room shower and finds Penn State's defensive coordinator anally raping a ten year-old boy. Inexplicably he doesn't call the police or stop the act but instead tells head coach Joe Paterno. Paterno then tells the athletic director and Senior Vice President, who in turn tell the University President, and none of them do anything and no one finds out for almost ten years. Meanwhile, Penn State students are indignant that the general public isn't also willing to overlook 15 plus years of child-sex-abuse and the system that knowingly covered it up. AND to top it all off, Joe Paterno was disguising himself with a wig just before his "death" and now none of us can be sure he's not tottering around in a housecoat and rollers somewhere. GET IT?

bun-bun said...


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