24 February 2012

are you describing yourself?

"There is a backlash," says Gehry, now aged 82, "against me and everyone who has done buildings that have movement and feeling", that is "self-righteous" and "annoying… The notion is that it is counterproductive to social responsibility and sustainability. Therefore, curving the wall or doing something so-called wilful is wrong and so there is a tendency back to bland." (via)
i'm sorry, all i heard was "waaaah. waaaahh. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh."


thomas wilhelm said...

It could have something to do with the way he took the already problematic idea of shoe-horning a basketball stadium into Prospect Heights/Park Slope/Fort Greene/Boerum Hill, and helped transformed it into an unforgiving, gargantuan, skyhigh, egotistic mess.

kylie said...

that's just willful design. did you want it to be bland? there's no middle ground, you know.

bun-bun said...

is t.wilhelm talking about ratner or gehry?

thomas wilhelm said...

Ratner was responsible for the ill-placed program, but not the insensitivity of the design.

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