16 October 2012

tell the NYT what you think of the MTA

the new york times asks readers to give their input on the four proposed MTA fare increase structures:
1) The base fare remains at $2.25. The cost of a 30-day card rises to $125, up from $104, and a weekly card costs $34, up from $29. In addition, the 7 percent bonus on pay-per-ride MetroCards — which gives a rider an extra $1.40 with each $20 placed on the card — is reduced to 5 percent. The express bus fare remains at $5.50.
(Burden comparison: single ride up 0 percent; fare on $20 card up 2 percent; cost of 30-day unlimited card up 20 percent.)
2) The base fare remains at $2.25. The cost of a 30-day card rises to $119. The cost of a weekly card rises to $32. The bonus on pay-per-ride cards is eliminated altogether. The express bus fare remains $5.50.
(Burden comparison: single ride up 0 percent; fare on $20 card up 7 percent; cost of 30-day unlimited card up 14 percent.)
3) The base fare rises to $2.50. The cost of a 30-day card rises to $109, but the cost of a weekly card remains $29. The bonus is eliminated. The express bus fare rises to $6.
(Burden comparison: single ride up 11 percent; fare on $20 card up 18 percent; cost of 30-day unlimited card up 5 percent.)
4) The base fare rises to $2.50. The cost of a 30-day card rises to $112, and the cost of a weekly card rises to $30. The pay-per-ride bonus is kept intact. The express bus fare rises to $6.
(Burden comparison: single ride up 11 percent; fare on $20 card up 11 percent; cost of 30-day unlimited card up 8 percent.) 
i vote for #3! i'm sure someone's listening...

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