14 March 2014

2PzNaPpod 2014 MARCH MADNESS BRACKET!!!!1111

as i write this, the basketvols are busy taking care of a little business (south carolina) in the SEC tournament. once that's over, they're most likely going to be playing in the NCAA tournament for the first time during coach cuonzo's tenure.

this sunday is selection sunday, and once all the teams are announced, it'll be time to fill out your brackets. we've set up a 2PzNaPpod group, and its completely free to join! #normcore

so go ahead and join our group now by clicking right HERE, and they'll send you an email reminder when it's time. (the password, if anyone asks, is "jazzykismet".) even if you don't know anything about anything, you're not going to want to miss out on this collective competitive experience. trust me.


joel said...

im going to wax the floors with all of you.

Flim said...

joel made me do this since i am on the 2pz editorial staff. i did it, but it was really tough considering there weren't any photos of the team captain or anything to really judge these boys on.

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