11 March 2009

gobbling my goop : ambiguity

you know what gobbles my goop? ambiguity. you might have noticed my fellow correspondent g.animalz's post linking to a M83 video featuring two possi-lesbies (that's possible lesbians). while i enjoyed the sound, the visual gobbled the hell out of my goop. i've been told by some people that it's edgy and trendy to be ambiguous, but i'm here to inform you that it's nothing short of the devils work. so cut it out.

oh, oh, look at me. i don't need to make an explicit statement. i just craft a vision of sophisticated and subtle circumstances and let the viewer form their own perceptions. no ma'am! pick.a.side. hate your opposition. and defend your beliefs to the death even if you begin to think you might be wrong, 'cause that's how it's done.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

woot WOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!! sing it sister!

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