23 March 2009

what's for birthday cake?????

inspired by this, john and i made a special treat for a special birthday girl. we kla$$ed our version up a bit...
step 1: cover the kitchen door so the birthday surprise isn't rueened.

step 2: just whip up some old-fashioned cookie dough, and don't be afraid to get dirty!

step 3: smash it into a giant cookie shape, and just cook it!

step 4: mix your icing with an entire bottle of red food coloring.

step 5: admire your creations and get ready to use your creativity...

step 6: apply your 'toppin's'

marshmellow mozzarella, swedish fish anchovies, milk dud sausage

step 7: light that s on fire!


Anonymous said...

Kylie, this is genius!!!!! you know how much I love pizza and cookie cake....I couldn't have thought up a more perfect masterpiece in all of my wildest dreams!

Anonymous said...

zomgz, just cook it.

patty said...

you made el guero mash the dough, didn't you?

kylie said...

close. j.midgette. he's a gd trooper. and julie, j.midge and i are thinking about starting a candy pizza making business. i'll keep you posted.

Liz said...

If you need investors, just let me know. I'm rich.

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