07 April 2009

Poor Kitty! Does your tum-tum hurt?

Kitties are great. They're normally fluffy and soft. Unfortunatly, all the fur can result in hairballs.

One expert on hailballery writes,"...although hairballs may be the topics of jokes among thoughtless humans, they are a source of discomfort or worse, for cats. Hairballs pose a potential danger by blocking the passage of digested food through the intestines, causing an impaction.
Hairballs are formed when a cat grooms itself and swallows hairs. Since hair is not easily digested, it can compact with undigested food in the stomach and gastrointestinal tract. Impactions are serious business, and sometimes must be removed surgically."

Well you know who needed surgery for a hairball? This LION! I know! I couldn't believe it either.

This is Tiny (a boy) African Lion and he lives at the Wildlife Heritage Foundation in Smarden, near Ashford in Kent, Enlgand. He's 200kg and had to be aneasthetised using a dart and blowpipe in his den! EmBEARassing! Also totes embearassing, he had to be operated on in a THEATER, normally used for horses!

The surgery involved 6 vets and 8 handlers. Turns out, Lil' Tiny gets fed mostly horse meat which has some skin and hair--BECAUSE ITS SUPPOSED TO HELP WITH DIGESTION! Well, I would think again, Keeper Mark. Cause this kitty was seeayuck, "Part of his mane and tail fur was also found by the surgical team, who spent several hours operating to remove the hairball in his stomach. A three foot-long length of inflamed gut also had to be removed."

Sounds like someone forget to brush Tiny! Who could forget such a thing! I was always told: brush kitty erry day and, if you think they're getting a hairball, put a little petroium on your finger and let them lick it off. OMGCYI (could you imagine)!

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