18 May 2009

brb : outside

one week ago today, joel and i were both in middle tennessee. i've been slowly but surely reading my way through pulitzer-prize-winning biography american lion: andrew jackson in the white house (taking the appropriate twilight breaks, oc), and thought we should seize the opportunity for a little early nineteenth century tourism and visit one of tennessee's most beloved landmarks: the hermitage.

we had an enchanting visit, and i'd love to share some sights and anecdotes, if i may.

joel with the jacksons themselves! we were waiting for our oversimplified history orientation video.

i most certainly will not! that guy in the back asked us where we were from. we were like 'from tennessee but live in new york' and he goes 'ooooh! defectors! well i guess that's better than them yankees comin' down here.' how 1828 of him!

dont be jelly.

joel in a slave cabin.

there was so much wildlife to behold. here is a tulip poplar, the tennessee state tree.

a baby oreo cow! looks like jazzy!

believe it or not, these are not chickens. they're guineahens!!

here we are in the garden.

joel broke the hermitage with his hustla shoes.

if you'd like to see more pictures from our visit to the hermitage, just click right here! hope you guys had fun! we sure did.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

joel you should tell everyone that your grandfather has pet "guineahens"...its true.

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