18 June 2009

patty, i found a wife for you.

Authorities said a woman obsessed with rabbits is in trouble again: In violation of probation terms, she was found holed up in a hotel room with more than a dozen rabbits. Officers said they had to break into the room Tuesday and found eight adults and half a dozen baby rabbits, one dead. The police say some were caged, some roaming. (AP)

thx erin!


joel said...

"some roaming"

kylie said...

In 2007, Miriam struck again! Her probation officer got a vewwwwy vewwwwwy strange feeling that Miriam was shacking up with bunnies again. A bunny wasn't found in her house, but the officer did find a 10-pound bag of carrots. Miriam was sentenced to 3 days in jail.

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